Perez Hernandez Daniel
Perez Hernandez Danielは未踏クリエータ。
2023/06/14 I officially graduated from my PhD at Imperial College London
2022/05/03 Dissimilar Redundancy in DeFi with Lewis Gudgeon was accepted at MARBLE 2022
2021/01/25 Liquidations: DeFi on a Knife-edge with Sam Werner, Jiahua Xu and Ben Livshits was accepted at FC 2021
2020/08/14 Smart Contract Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable Does Not Imply Exploited with Ben Livshits was accepted at USENIX Security 2021
2020/08/12 Revisiting Transactional Statistics of High-scalability Blockchains with Jiahua Xu and Ben Livshits was accepted at ACM IMC 2020
2020/08/07 DeFi Protocols for Loanable Funds with Lewis Gudgeon, Sam Werner and William Knottenbelt was accepted at ACM AFT 2020